
Week 11 Term 2


I have ventured into a totally new and scary world for me and started up a class blog. It is very much a work in progress and very basic at this stage. Hopefully, as I learn more it will become of greater use for you and the children. At the moment it is linked to the school website so you will be able to enter it via the CLASSES – then De Grey section of the school website( ). The blog is called and if you type that into Google you should be able to access it. I plan to post the newsletters, homework; news updates etc and photos onto the blog. I hope to update it at least several days a week and in time phase out or reduce the number of newsletters. To do both would be very labour intensive and an unnecessary duplication. I look forward to your feedback through the blog. You may need a gmail address to respond but it is free and easy enough to set up. Mrs Lannin has been my mentor through this process and she commented that she has overseas grandparents and other family friends following her class blog so they can keep in touch with what is happening in their grandchild / relation’s school life.  If you know how to set up and maintain a blog and can offer me advice, I would absolutely love to hear from you.


The disco on Friday evening was a great success with in excess of 135 students attending the Year 2, 3 and 4 session.  The other two sessions were also well attended, demonstrating just how popular these functions are. I stayed for the whole night and was amazed at the number of parent helpers who came forward when at one stage it looked like the disco might have been cancelled because of lack of help. It highlighted to me once again what a wonderful community we have here at Canning Vale and I hope you will all find some time to join the P & C and become involved in the activities and functions we have here at the school. The camaraderie and sense of belonging is very rewarding.   


This coming Friday will be Mrs Glew’s last day with us as the position she is holding ceases at the end of this term. We will still see Mrs Glew around and hopefully she will be able to do relief work for me should I need someone throughout the year. We thank Mrs Glew so sincerely as the children have absolutely loved having her in the room each fortnight and it has been such a pleasure for me to have someone as experienced and efficient as Deb. She will be sadly missed. Her replacement is in the process of being finalised and I will let you know more next term.


With the Olympics starting in July, the Year Two classes are planning to have a cultural focus next term. In our class we will watch how the Australian competitors progress and learn a little about the history of the Olympics and some of the sports involved. From there we will branch off into a study of some of the participating countries so it will be very busy with lots to learn. Hopefully the children will be able to watch the opening ceremony and begin to watch the progress of some of the Aussies over the course of the Olympics at home. For your information the schedule and interesting links can be found at :


This Thursday the children will test each other on any 30 of the words they have had for spelling this year. Your help at home would be really, really appreciated.


On Wednesday I will provide the makings of lunch for the children so you will not need to send them with lunch on that day. Orders have been taken for pizza and hot dogs and the children will do their own preparation and cooking.


We have several reading books yet to be returned and your help in urging a check in book cases, under beds or other filing spaces would be truly appreciated. I am reluctant to add new books when we have these outstanding.

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